The App "Pigeon AR" is an Augmented Reality App that makes a part of our invisible infrastructure - i.e. ethernet cables, underground pipes for water, gas etc. - visible through new forms of media. It's supposed to raise our awareness towards our usage behavior and that we are dependent on these infrastructures provided. 
Approach: City pigeons don't survive without our waste. Supposedly "wild" pigeons are domesticated and therefore dependent on us. While they need the bread crumbs we leave on the sidewalks, we need to be connected to the internet whether it be at work, at home or to socialize via a messenger app. 
But this pigeon is your own, personal, digital pet which is also reliant on the internet - or in other words your personal internet usage. So take care of it! 
While we surf, we leave traces, data, cookies - and these special pigeons like to eat those. Visualized as data cubes, these food spots only occur at data hotspots - the Netzverteilerkasten. This is where all the data goes through. In order to feed your pigeon, you need to physically go there so the data packs spawn. 
All the available Netzverteilerkästen are marked on the map, so go and find out what all the fuzz is about. You may find other people's pigeons that recently connected with it which may be your neighbor's. A cool tool to make us realize, how dependent we are on these infrastructures and even though we spend so much time in the virtual space, we still have other people around us living in our neighborhoods. 
Skills I used / What I did
- Unity3D        - AR Foundation    - C#   - Cinema4D
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